About Me

My photo
Arts House, Singapore, Singapore
Veda9 is a musical performance and production company consisting of a number of talented musicians and artists. Such musicians include, Idrus, Bob, Ying, Romey, Blade and Buggy. Veda9 conducts regular musical performances which are open to the anybody to come down and enjoy. Details of these performances will be posted here on this blog, so make sure to refer to this page whenever you are interested in attending one of our performances. A journal of our daily activities and happenings will also be posted here.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Welcome to the first post of a fresh new Veda9.

In this blog, we'll follow the journey of three musicians from Singapore.

Firstly we have the brothers Romey and Blade, guitarists extraordinaire

and then Buggy, a very talented bassist. This is the beginning of a chronicle of their journey towards the big performance at the world music festival

Today was the first step towards performing at the World Festival in Korea.

I, Michael, came in today to be met with the musicians of Veda9 piecing together new songs with eachother. The songs are at a very early stage at the moment as only small segments have been completed so far. They sound very raw but also very melodic at the moment. One of them in particular, sounds quite medieval. Based on what I've heard so far, these are gonna turn out to be truly great songs, capable of shining at the world music festival later in July.

Saam and I sat infront of the computer for some time setting up this blog which should explain why it is still quite plain. Adjustments will be made as time passes.

We'll keep you updated on the progression of veda9 right here so be sure to check this page out anytime you like!

Saam and Mike signing off...

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